Post attendance for 11/10 group meetings here

Greetings class!

As a reminder, I have allotted time for you to meet in your evaluation groups tomorrow, Monday 11/10.

In order to earn attendance credit, please comment below with:

  • Letter of group
  • Names of group members present
  • Meeting time and date
  • Tasks achieved by each individual member

Looking forward to the continuation of your persuasive speeches….Believe me


Touching base

Greetings Class:

I hope you are doing well on this fine Tuesday night. 🙂

I have reviewed and provided feedback on your persuasive speech topics.  Please take a look at my comments and let me know if you have any questions.  Unfortunately I am unable to provide any feedback on late submissions.

Tomorrow is a mandatory speech practice night.  I will be present to take attendance at the beginning of the class session and will remain in the room in the event that you have any questions or need help.  However, you are welcome to work with your groups elsewhere on campus AFTER checking in.

Thanks and see you all tomorrow!

Informative speech reminders

Hey Class:

Informative speeches are coming quickly!  Here are some reminders for Monday’s class.

  • Bring 4 copies of the peer evaluation form for YOU to fill out and give a completed form to the speaker you evaluated (the speaker will return these to me before leaving class).
  • Dress professionally
  • Give me a copy of both of your outlines as well as your PowerPoint (if you use one)


Please view the instructional videos and sample here:

  • Submit a Delivery & Preparation Outline to Jaimie BEFORE your speech (you also probably want to bring a copy of your delivery outline for you).
  • Your outline must include:
    • General purpose
    • Specific purpose
    • Thesis
    • Organizational pattern of the speech (e.g. topical, spatial, etc.)
    • List Introduction, Body and Conclusion as three separate sections
    • Restart roman numerals with each section (listed above)
    • Reference transitions (typically with [brackets]
    • Included citations in outline
    • Wrote in full sentences (preparatory outline)
    • Use correct APA formatted reference list




Wednesday’s Class

Dear Class:

This is just a reminder that we will NOT be meeting as a class on Wednesday so that you can meet with your evaluation groups at a time and space (face-to-face or virtually) that works for your group.  The meeting can take place anytime between today and Wednesday at 11:59 p.m.

In order to receive credit for attending the class/meeting once person in your group must RESPOND to this announcement (in the comments section below) with the following information (by Thursday at 11:59 p.m.:

  1. Date time and location of meeting
  2. Group members present at meeting
  3. List of what was accomplished

If the information above is not provided, all group members will be marked as absent.

For those students who were absent tonight, below is a list of when/where each group is meeting and what you should achieve before the meeting.

  • Group A:  Meet in classroom at 6:00 p.m., finish your outline and thesis
  • Group B: Meet on second floor of library at 6:00 p.m., have speech ready to rehearse
  • Group C: Meet at front lobby of library at 6:00 p.m., have your general and specific purposes, thesis and sources ready
  • Group D:  Meet in front of the library at 6:00 p.m, have your outline and speech drafts ready to rehearse
  • Group E:  Meet in front of the library at 6:00 p.m. , finish your outline, structure of speech and start rehearsing
  • Group F:  Meet in classroom at 6:00 p.m., have a rough outline completed

Meeting 9/23

Hi Class:

We will be meeting in Broom Library 1756 tomorrow for our library introduction day.

Broome Library

Also, don’t forget to review the requirements of the Informative speech; your topic request is due by 11:59 p.m. tomorrow.

What’s Due?

Hey Class:

Please remember….

  • that you might submit your Self Evaluation from your Introductory Speech on CI Learn by tomorrow BEFORE class (a link to your speech video MUST BE PLACED ON YOUR SELF EVAL)
  • that you must bring any incomplete Peer Evaluations to class tomorrow to receive credit
  • you need to read chapters 4 & 5 for class tomorrow, Monday
  • you need to read chapters 6 & 7 for class on Wednesday

We have our first exam a week from tomorrow so make sure you’re taking a good look at the study guide (posted here this week to prepare!!