All posts by jaimie.hoffman

What’s due?

Hey Class:

due dates are closer than they appear

Please remember….

  • that you might submit your Self Evaluation from your Introductory Speech on CI Learn by tomorrow BEFORE class (a link to your speech video MUST BE PLACED ON YOUR SELF EVAL)
  • that you must bring any incomplete Peer Evaluations to class tomorrow to receive credit
  • you need to read chapters 4 & 5 for class tomorrow, Monday
  • you need to read chapters 6 & 7 for class on Wednesday

We have our first exam a week from tomorrow so make sure you’re taking a good look at the study guide this week to prepare!!

Uploading & sharing videos to dropbox

Hi Class!

I REALLY enjoyed learning about you through your introductory speeches this week.  You all did a great job.

As you know, your self evaluations are due to me by Monday before class via CI Learn.  You need to put a link to your video on the self evaluation.  You can use any file sharing service you’d like; the most common options are to upload the video to a googledrive and share a link with me OR upload a video on Dropbox and share the link with me.

Here are instructions on how to upload and share with Dropbox

Here are instructions on how to upload and share with Google Drive

Whew!  Your first speech is done! Thumbs up

Don’t forget!

Hey Class:

Great job to those of you who did your introductory speeches on Monday!  I’m looking forward to seeing the remainder this evening.

If you’re speaking tonight, please don’t forget:

  • Arrive to class as early as possible to load your presentation onto the desktop
  • Bring FOUR copies of your peer evaluation forms for your group mates
  • Bring a copy of your outline for me and give it to me before your speech
  • Dress professionally
  • Be prepared to record yourself (ask someone in advance)
  • Rehearse so you stay under 3 minutes

Relax, breathe… you’ll do great!


Keep Calm and Breathe Deeply


Presentation aids

Dear Class:

I’m excited to hear your introductory speeches this week!  I’ve received many inquiries about presentation aids;  it’s easier just to send out an announcement to everyone.  You are required to incorporate three presentation aids into your speech – a powerpoint or projected presentation that uses text and includes a photo can count as two aids.   You’ll need to come up with a third.  Please reference chapter 6 of our class text for ideas on presentation aids and/or google “presentation aids” and see what you come up with… don’t forget you can use the resources around you to answer your questions.

Practice, practice, practice!!!


Just a reminder….

Hey Class:

Just resending the last announcement to make sure you received it:


As mentioned in class, I’ve made an adjustment to the syllabus to accommodate for covering chapter 1 next week. Please check the course site for the most up to date line up of chapters. The first exam date was also changed.

Please complete the first participation activity by finding an image that best represents your feelings about public speaking and post it here by Tuesday, September 2 at 11:59 p.m.:

As a reminder – I’ll give 10 points extra credit for any student who completes this survey by Tuesday, September 2 at 11:59 p.m. and emails me (to with a screen shot of the confirmation page)

Syllabus change & image activity

Dear class:

As mentioned in class, I’ve made an adjustment to the syllabus to accommodate for covering chapter 1 next week. Please check the course site for the most up to date line up of chapters. The first exam date was also changed.

Please complete the first participation activity by finding an image that best represents your feelings about public speaking and post it here by Tuesday, September 2 at 11:59 p.m.:

As a reminder – I’ll give 10 points extra credit for any student who completes this survey by Tuesday, September 2 at 11:59 p.m. and emails me (to with a screen shot of the confirmation page)

Chapter 1 & first chance at extra credit

Hey Class:

Just in case you didn’t see it in the syllabus, this is a reminder that we will be covering chapter 1 in class tonight.

Also, I’ll give 10 points extra credit for any student who completes this survey by Tuesday, September 2 at 11:59 p.m. and emails me (to with a screen shot of the confirmation page)

See you soon!
