You will create a 1-2 minute video that demonstrates how you developed/what you learned as a person and speaker this semester. You can reflect on lessons learned beyond the scope of this class but the majority of key points must focus on course content. Your video is due no later than 11:59 p.m. on Monday, 12/8.
You will upload this video to and embed it into the PowerPoint presentation below. You do this by following these instructions:
- Upload your video to YouTube (or another video sharing service) and copy the link to your video
- Click the click the “options” wheel on the bottom of the presentation to add your video
- Follow directions on the presentation
You MUST also submit your video to FolioCI, click here to access the instructions.
Don’t forget!
- This is STILL a speech so you should….
- Start with an outline
- Provide a BRIEF introduction, body and conclusion
- Grab the audiences’ attention
- Conclude powerfully
- Dress professionally
Reflection Speech Overview Revised
If you’re unsure of how to create and post videos, check out the instructional videos To access these videos, you must go to, click “myCI”, log in with your University credentials, click on “” located on the list of resources on the left. Then, type the technology tool you’re using in the search box… for instance… you may want to check out the “YouTube Essential Training.”